To be a dues paying member, you must meet the following criteria:
Employed by the US Congress in a full-time role;
Participating in an official temporary congressional detailee or fellowship program; OR
Serve in a legislative liaison role for a national security Executive Branch agency; AND
A core part of your portfolio consists of national security issues.
If you are eligible for membership, once you complete the membership form below please submit your dues payment to the NSCSA Venmo Account - @NSCSA-Congress.
Receive weekly newsletter
Access to all of our monthly events - from educational events with senior congressional staff and Executive Branch officials to exclusive social events to grow your network
Access to our 1-on-1 "Coffee Chats" networking program
Access to our Legislative Reference Shelf guide and another guide we are currently working on for NatSec leg staff we plan to release this year
Access to NSCSA Women (for female staff) programming
Access to our mentorship program
Access to our resume bank and job board
Access to all future resources and programming
For our friends who do not meet the criteria to be a dues-paying member or who would prefer not to pay, you will still receive our weekly newsletter.
Annual dues for a full-time staffer working for a member office or committee are $20. Venmo @NSCSA-Congress to become an official member.
Annual dues for a fellow working for a member office or committee are $10. Venmo @NSCSA-Congress to become an official member.
There are no dues required, but this type of member may only attend ‘open’ events and receive the NSCSA newsletter.
This is also an option for off-hill national security staff to stay informed about NSCSA.